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Go ahead, Get Naked.

Yep, I said it. Get Naked.

As women, we pick apart every single detail of ourselves. We all want to “lose a couple more pounds”, have bigger boobs, smoother legs and more. We put this pressure on ourselves to be incredibly sexy. The idea of sexy that we sometimes forget might not be how the significant others in our lives view us. We stop thinking about what we define as sexy and just focus on what we define as our flaws.

Yet, when I’m working a boudoir shoot, I have never had a woman leave without feeling just a TAD bit more confident at the very least. This is why…. Boudoir sessions have always been a favorite avenue of mine to explore within the creative industry.

I have this rule, I will never have my clients do something I would not do myself. So, I started getting in front of the camera more and more. I started pushing my flaws out of my mind and focused on what I liked about myself. Even, if sometimes, it’s as simple as the lighting in the photo against my hair or the way my tattoos brighten up my look. I find a way to love something from every photo taken of me.

Before you question if you “could” do a boudoir session; know that you can. Before you question if you “should” do one, know that it’s about you more than it is about any one else. Lastly, before you question “when” you should do this; note that the answer is always now. You are the most beautiful you right now, today.

And if, you want to lose the pregnancy weight, or tone up, lose just five more pounds, or if you’re waiting until your skin clears up, fuck it. These are just pieces of you. We have to stop picking apart every single detail about ourselves and love ourselves in this moment – every moment is your moment.

We need more naked in this world. We need more raw. We need more vulnerability. We need more skin on skin contact. In this world, we need more elements of feeling strong and empowered.  We need less shame. We need less regret. We need less “in a few months”. You deserve to feel sexy, to feel powerful and to feel like you can conquer it all.

Go ahead. Really. Get naked. 

Photos were done by Sage Indigo –


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