Let me come right out and apologize for slacking for a few months on these blogs. I was not short of many amazing woman owned businesses to shout out. I was just short on time. Now, that I have a little more time on my hands...here comes the blogs. (For some reason, I started singing "here comes the bride" in my head).
The CEO of Rise and Glow (among other things.) Candace is a makeup artist. (which is how we met). She's an influencer, a online public figure, and a multi level marketing genius. With all of her internet success, she decided to reach out to help other small businesses succeed online. She has a great understanding for SEO, analytics and more. Cause, honestly, Instagram is all a science, amiright?

"You’ll never love yourself until you love yourself. You can’t arrive at self love. You have to CHOOSE it every single day until it becomes second nature"
I'm loving her advice on self confidence. Candace has been known for empowering women through social media platforms and various businesses.
Q: What type of business do you have?:
A; "I have a social media marketing/management business and I'm an affiliate marketer of a CBD company."
Q: Wow! What else is there to know about you career wise?
A: "I've been a professional makeup artist for almost 12 years."
Q: Tell me more about how your social media business works:
A:"I offer targeted Instagram growth to small businesses paired with content strategy. I really focus on attraction marketing for sales. I also do total social media management for a handful of clients."

Q: Why did you start doing social media marketing and management?
A: "I've learned a lot of over the last four years of building my own business online. I know the struggles I had and the areas where I wish I'd had assistance and mentorship so now I provide those things to my clients through services and consulting."
Now, let's get to the fun stuff. What gets your brain moving?
A: "A long drive"
What's your favorite quote?:
A: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as a children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson
Anything else?!
A: "I'm a fur mama! I'm obsessed with my sweet St. Bernard mix and can stand toe to toe with the craziest of the crazy dog moms!"

If you're interested in all the things Candace has going on including Rise and Glow Email her at: riseandglowco@gmail.com
Follow her at: @thecandacenichole