I wish I could sum this blog up by saying I'm just a minimalist but that is not true at all. I have I highlighters and blushes in every color from liquid to cream to powder. I have multiple moisturizers and eye patches galore. I have way more than 2 primers for myself. So, why do I only have two primers in my kit?
Well, because no one likes carrying a million things around from client to client.
It still really isn't that simple. See, I keep a radiance primer and a matte primer in my kit. The matte primer helps to smooth out pores, fine lines, blur the skin and control oils. It helps my foundation to keep a matte finish for longer.
My radiance primer helps to promote a youthful glow, add additional hydration and plump any lines. It helps my foundation to evenly spread on the skin and not cling to any dry patches or uneven texture.
Why don't I add other primers? There is no need. All of the other products in my kit take care of things at a better rate than a primer does. Primers are the bridge between your makeup and skin care. There job is to do what to takes for a smooth application and make the makeup have more longvity.
For example, to reduce redness from a client I would make sure to do a hydrating skin prep, prime with the radiance primer and use a green color correcting tool on the areas that is red. This layering technique actually requires less product and less cake up.
Going forward with my Tuesday Tips; I want to keep them simple and straight to the point. I hope you're loving the new version of these tips. Enjoy a new money $$ kit and a less stressful load to carry from client to client.