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five things your beauty website need | Philly mua | Tuesday pro tips

Welcome back, everyone!

I am so thankful that everyone keeps reading these Beauty Business Tips! I hope they are helpful, as they have set me apart in the industry for many years. You know I do not love long blogs filled with nothing to get to the point so let's get started.

Five Things You Need For Your Beauty Website:

1. Portfolio

This one is a given. People want to see your work. If you can separate your work via category that also helps. Make sure you choose timeless pictures that you do not have to update often. These photos should represent your best work while also representing different skin tones, ages, and more. Use your social media platforms for ever-changing content.

2. E-Mail/Contact Accessibility

Do. Not. Make. It. Hard. Make your email a professional email name. No "Tequila babe 420". Also, make it easily accessible. Have your contact information on a contact page and multiple points of reference on your website. Don't make people hunt for your information.

3. About Me Section

We don't pick for talent anymore. I mean, yes we do. People want the artist they are working with to be talented. However, they know want to know if they could connect with you. In the world of social media, politics, inclusivity, and more shape who we are and who we want to connect with.

4. Strong Branding

Strong branding isn't just a cute logo with lipstick or colors. Strong branding tells a story of who you are as an artist, what to expect from your work and where you are headed for the future. Branding is not social media. However, social media does play a role in branding. Feel free to e-mail me for a free consultation on the foundation of strong branding. My network or I will ensure that you have all the strong business strategy lined up and branding skills put together to see you succeed.


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