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the blog.


print. film.





I am a blogger who doesn't blog. | Philly mua | Philly influencer | philly blogger

For the last two years, I have put blogging on the backburner. I don't enjoy it the way I used to. Also, Instagram has turned into mini blogs and TikTok has become video blogs. The internet has created such a turn since I started blogging years ago.

I still find the blog valuable. I loved all my Tuesday Tips for the Pros and Makeup Mondays for the beauty fans. Throughout the years of fine-tuning social media, I realized that consistency is better than being everywhere.

So this isn't me saying goodbye. This is me saying "I'll see you when I see you" and if it's not here, follow me on all social media platforms. @nattycontrera FB, IG, and TikTok.


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