I tried to write this blog 10 times already. I created about 25 lists of different categories. I pulled pictures and images. I thought about all these things I felt like you NEEDED and must-have for Holiday 2020.
And then I sat back and thought how fucking tone-deaf this sounded. (Also, if you are new here, we drop the F balm. It's okay, we're all adults). I was pushing brands and products in a blog right now during a pandemic. Something we've never experienced (or at least I haven't) in our lifetime. People are out of work, people are changing jobs, family members are getting sick. Plus, remember all the normal life stuff that happens -- like bills, breaks ups, moving, new children, and more. Now, we add wearing masks, a fucking crazy election season, and wild things like murder hornets and attack of the Spotted Lantern Fly. This. Has. Been. A. Year.
You're right, we need "normalcy". I am not opposed to that. I also realize that the holidays, even without the year we have, could be isolating to others. It can be hard and it can bring up a lot of trauma.
What I decided to do is not create a list of goods or create more noise. There are plenty of gift guides out there. Instead, I'm using my platform as a reminder to say: Be nice, be anti-racist, and wear a mask. If you need some shopping direction: shop small, shop local, and shop with intent. No one needs another Yankee Candle. I promise.

Here are 5 Anti-Gifts you can do this year:
Drop off masks, warm goods, and blankets to homeless shelters
Hand make cards to mail and give to family members who might be alone this year or bake a pie.
Schedule a Zoom call with your family to all "see" each other. I strongly suggest playing a game from Jackbox.
Hang out with the kids in your lives who may not really understand what is going on. All they know is school is on the computer and everything keeps changing. They need attention, outdoor playtime, and activities. Plus, those parents need a break.
Donate to an organization on behalf of people you love.
I will start blogging again....(this is the type of stuff I tell myself). We all need more fun, light-hearted content with education and a ton of F-bombs. Or at least, I like to think so.
Happy Holidays and Stay Safe!