I wish someone told me this a long time ago.
Actually, they did and I didn't listen. I've been told it so many times and I just said "ugh, okay".

I needed to just sit down and do it one day. I needed to hear it about 19 times before I finally listened. (lol, Gemini problems) The advice wasn't to have your prices on the site or pretty pictures. It wasn't that everything had to be branded so perfectly with cute graphics from Canva. It wasn't to have contact info easily available or an interesting bio about yourself to get people interested. Although, all that shit is really helpful.
The one thing missing from your beauty-focused website is the email list. Even if you do not plan to do much with it -- start an email list. It's the only thing you actually own. You don't own your website -- it's hosted. You don't own your Instagram Profile -- Facebook does.
I have a 30-40% open rate on all my emails and I only send them monthly. No one likes to be blown up but I like to keep my community going. As your updating your website this week, add a subscription section.
Make sure to create a welcome e-mail and promote getting your non-annoying, not overbearing e-mail list through your social media channels.
Good luck!