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Birds of Prey Artistry and Wellness | Philly Microblading | #wcw: business edition | Philly MUA | Na

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic grade tattoo that is designed to mimic brow hairs. Tara Lynn Baeza of Birds of Prey Artistry is one of the top Philadelphia Micro-blading artist. She has recently opened up a shop in South Philly that offers a range of services on top of her wonderful microbladed brows. 

Tara Lynn is a licensed esthetician, shop owner, makeup artist and loving dog mom. She is the owner of Birds of Prey Artistry and Wellness. She started dabbling into the microblading trend early and her career plus love for brows exploded. She also does waxing, threading, makeup, permanent cosmetic tattoo and more. Her shop is a gorgeous, safe haven that provides the up most outstanding work, sanitation and guest artists. 


Q: Tara, What type of business do you have?

A: "I have my own cosmetic tattooing & wellness studio where we specialize mostly in permanent makeup such as microblading and all the rest. We all have an amazing makeup bar where we offer makeup applications and even host private makeup classes. My studio is called Birds of Prey Artistry and Wellness. Little back story... I'm obsessed with owls. "

I think every one has an animal we are obsessed with. Mine would be elephants. I say its my sign from the universe. Whenever I need to make decisions, I swear, I’ll see something immediately after elephant related to know I’ve made a great decision.

Q:  How does your product/service work?

A: "We are an appointment only establishment. Sessions include consultations and can be lengthy. Not only are we perfectionists here but we strive for the best experience here at Birds of Prey Artistry and wellness"

Q: Why did you start doing this type of thing? 

A: "In my 15 years of artistry and esthetics brows and make up have been my obsession and I really fell in love with it for philanthropic reasons rather than the vanity of it. I really just wanted to make women smile and feel confident. I get to do that every single day and its the best feeling in the entire world. "

Q: Who is your inspiration and why?

A: "My grandmother. She was my biggest cheerleader and showed me what unconditional love meant and taught me I could do and be anything I wanted. She was the first to teach me what woman empowerment meant. I've strived to be my personal best because of her."


" Mother once told me A couple Yeats ago.

"Sweetheart, settle down and marry a rich man"

I say, "Mom, I am a rich man"

To keep up with Tara Lynn at Birds of Prey, find out about events or book an appointment:

Birds of Prey Artistry & Wellness located at 1146 McKean St. Philadelphia pa 19148 

(267) 687- 8655 

 instagram: birdsofprey

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